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A summary of RRA Revenue Collection for the year 2014/2015

Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) collects both Tax and Non-tax revenues. Total Revenue collections for 2014/15 was Rwf 871.4 billion against a target of Rwf 888.2 billion; which was a performance of 98.1%. Tax revenue target for 2014/15 was Rwf 878.0 billion and collection was Rwf 858.4 billion, which is an achievement of 97.8%, missing the target by Rwf 19.6 billion or 2.2%. Tax revenue posted a growth of 12.4% during FY 2014/15. In addition, Non-tax revenue collections were Rwf 13.0 billion against a target of Rwf 10.2 billion, registering a surplus of Rwf 2.8 billion or 27.5% over the target. Decentralized taxes (trade license, property tax and rental income tax) collection for 2014/15 was Rwf 13.2 billion against a target of Rwf 13.5 billion excluding fees which is an achievement of 97.8%. Total revenue collections by RRA during FY 2014/15 grew by 12.6% in comparison with the previous FY 2013/14.

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