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Training of members of cooperatives drop legal assistance request

st Katabarwa Augustin, Chairperson of National Cooperatives Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR), stated that their administration is no longer receiving complaints of cooperatives seeking legal support on issues related to failure of tax compliance. The president of NCCR made the remark during a tax education session Kayonza this Wednesday. He said that has been possible agreed with RRA to conduct tax education to managers of cooperatives countrywide, from December last year. From that date, about twenty districts have so far been trained and different cooperatives witness change in their management through clear accounting aimed at increasing tax compliance. Katabarwa noted that cooperatives used to fail to pay tax arrears which could result some of them to close down their business. He also indicated that while some cooperatives were considering themselves as associations for mutual support without paying taxes, calling them to pay tax from what they gain once they come together for interest purposes. “Pays only he who works and taxes are paid from the interest. We don’t want any manager to lead the cooperative to failure due to tax issues,” ” Katabarwa added. On his part, Ernest Karasira, in charge of education to taxpayers at RRA called members cooperatives to respect tax compliance as tax is fixed by the law and that only law can remove it. Mayor of Kayonza district, Mugabo John also called the cooperatives to work confidently in their cooperatives and not tend to hide their taxes. He recalled that hiding income with the purpose to evade tax can hinder the nation to develop, stressing that they should consider the national development as their own development. Cooperatives are considered as great potential to the national development as people working in different sectors of development like agriculture, handcraft, trade etc. put their hands together to seek their development in groups which translates into national development. Mwema Bahati

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